Bray’s Beach, Broken Head

“Bold and Excellent”

Wills, estates, probate, family provision

Tyndall & Co. offers legal services including advice and representation in these  areas of wills and estates law:

Will preparation
Testamentary trust
Advice and strategy on minimising risk of a claim for family provision by excluded eligible persons (e.g. a child or former partner)
Storing the Will
Instructions as to property and testators particular wishes in the event of death International property and conventions in multiple jurisdictions
Dementia onset issues, capacity to make a valid will
Elders law
Enduring Guardianship appointment
Enduring Power of Attorney appointment
Estate planning
Executors and executrices
Family provision claims (maintenance)
Probate advice and appearances
Release of a claim for family provision or maintenance
Small estates
Testamentary Trusts
Example of case

Articles published about wills, estates, probate, family provision and maintenance

Choose executor carefully to avoid problems
Executors and wills, have a good will, choice of executor of will important to reduce risk of Court
Updated 7 January 2015, originally published in The Land 02/09/99

Good will punting
Family Provision in the Succession Act, risks of punting a will
Updated 7 January 2015, originally published in The Land 01/04/99

Articles about equity, trusts and constructive trusts

Where there’s a will, there may be a way
Constructive trusts, verbal promises of land lawful, land wills, importance of a good will, to save Court time
Updated 7 January 2015, originally published in The Land 17/08/00

Wives can ‘walk away’ from debt
Wives can escape mortgage guarantee, Garcia v. NAB, Yerkey v. Jones
Updated 7 February 2015, originally published in The Land 22/07/99

Ruling good as father’s word
Verbal promises of land, Court makes promise good as father’s word, good fathers provide for sons in wills
Updated 7 February 2015, originally published in The Land 18/06/01

It is after all, only fair
Constructive trust law
Updated 7 February 2015, originally published in The Land 02/05/02

Words Stand Up
Verbal promises of land, good at law, equitable estoppel creates constructive trust
Updated 7 February 2015, originally published in Quirindi Advocate 03/12/03