Brisbane CBD looking from Kangaroo Point

“Bold and Excellent”

Tyndall & Co. are experienced solicitors located in Brisbane, Australia. We are also a worldwide Australian immigration lawyers and a management consultant.



Australian Immigration Lawyers

Australia has become a much sought-after paradise destination for people seeking global migration and better lives. It is a stable constitutional monarchy, a liberal democracy and a first world country. It has a high standard of living, sound investment prospects, good growth, political and economic stability and excellent wages and conditions. It offers protection of individual rights by the well-established rule of law with roots in Great Britain, a keen sense of justice, a huge natural history and space with a relatively small population, a warmer climate and spiritual, religious and ethnic tolerance. There are strong traditions of the pursuit of sporting excellence, mateship, the ANZAC fighting spirit, support of Queen and country and of doing the right thing. Australia is the lucky country.


Criminal Law

There is a fundamental principle that all defendants are innocent until proven guilty, that they have the right to a fair trial and to not self-incriminate. Defendants have the right to confidential and privileged legal advice, which can’t be used against them. These are common law principles and rights.


Family Law

In property adjustment cases, there is no presumption of equality. The 50:50 split is not a principle of law or a right. The wife’s homemaker and parent contribution ought to be recognised in a substantial and not a token way. Any property adjustment will be contribution driven. With children’s and parenting time cases, there is a presumption of equal shared parenting responsibility, however, the best interests of a child will always be first and paramount and rebut that presumption.


Business Law – Banking, Securities, Derivatives law

We prepare contracts and agreements for business clients including purchase, sale and contractor agreements, company and employment contracts and shareholder agreements . We advise client on commercial matters including banking and investments. A bank owes the customer a duty of care, which is to take reasonable care in carrying out its contractual obligations with the customer. A bank does not owe a fiduciary duty to a customer, except in special circumstances where it has gone further than normal. A bank has no general duty to advise a customer that a loan or a purchase is not a good decision. A bank can look after its own interests ahead of the customer. The playing field is not necessarily level. Our financial services as financial consulting, investment, securities and derivatives advice, structuring strategic investments, banking and financial planning and strategic decisions, helps level the playing field for customers both nationally and internationally.

Byron Bay, New South Wales, Australia

Surfers Paradise, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia

Knightsbridge, London, England U.K.

Wan Chai, Hong Kong (Migration and Management Consulting)

Level 34, Waterfront Way, 1 Eagle Street, Brisbane QLD 4000


“I have been helping clients for more than 30 years. For me, being a lawyer is a calling, not a job. It is about helping others.”

Jonathan de Vere Tyndall, Principal of Tyndall & Co.


Tyndall & Co. is a small law firm originally started in Bayron Bay that provides clients with huge advantages over big firms. Privacy is critical today. It is a basic human right which is being constantly and subtly eroded from all sides. We offer, as a small firm of Solicitors, an increased level of privacy, helpfulness and responsibility that the “mega-lawyers” cannot deliver. We strive as Solicitors to be bold and excellent for clients, as in our motto. We are also a world-wide Australian Immigration lawyers. We prepare Visa applications to Australia for investor visas, family visas, work visas, student visas, visitor visa and citizenship. We also do visa refusals and reviews. And as a Management Consultant we can advise on strategy and implementation and help you achieve business success in local and overseas markets.


Fast Track to Residence

Article about the SIV or Significant Investor Visa as a great solution where you control and switch the funds you invest and have residence fast

FIRB is the Good Gatekeeper

Article about buying residential property in Australia and FIRB approval 28 September 2021 by Jonathan de Vere Tyndall and Nina Spencer

[Photo: Kgbo, CC BY-SA 4.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons]